Rachele Catalano and Martin Power awarded for their presentations

Day 4 of the ArtMoMa Autumn School has been the opportunity for the Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to present their research work to their peers and the principal investigators present. The 10-minute flash format presentation was followed by a series of open questions by the audience. All ESR have then been invited to vote for the two best presentations resulting in the election of:

Martin Power (ESR01), University of Manchester – “An information ratchet through glyme catalysis”

Rachele Catalano (ESR09), University of Dresden – “Synthesis of coupled biomolecular motor system”

Martin and Rachele have each received a prize thanks to the support of our Partner Organisations: Nature Nanotechnology and Wiley-VCH.

We’d like to congratulate again Martin & Rachele for their work and the quality of their presentations and thank Nature Nanotechnology and Wiley-VCH!