Save the date! 1st Summer School & Workshop – 1-6 November 2021

The ArtMoMa Team is happy to announce the date of the first Autumn School & International Workshop which will take place from November 1st to November 6th 2021. The event will be hosted by the University of Dresden. Besides lectures on molecular machines and workshops focusing on scientific writing and communication skills, the week will also be the opportunity for the 15 Early Stage Researchers to visit the premises of an industrial innovation center as well as to organise an event in the frame of the Berlin Science Week in partnership with Nature Nanotechnology. The programme is currently under definition and will be published on the ArtMoma website and social networks as soon as available.

Depending on the sanitary situation at the time of the event, the Summer School will be hosted either as an on site or vitual event, or hybrid combining both formats.

Stay tuned!