Welcome on board, Alessandro !

Alessandro Cavasso will join the Institut Charles Sadron of the CNRS next September, where he will work on the Dual light control of an integrated motor/modulator-based system for 3 years. During his stay within the SAMS research group, he will attend international events, training sessions, and secondments. For this occasion, we wanted to learn more about Alessandro:

Tell us about your background!

I was born in Schio, a small town in the north of Italy, on the 4th of February 1995. In 2020 I graduated with honors in chemistry from the University of Padua, where I did my internship under the supervision of Prof. L. Prins studying dissipative self-assembling systems. Then I decided to continue my scientific path with a Ph.D. that would allow me to cultivate my interest in supramolecular chemistry and expand my horizons.

Why did you want to be a part of ArtMoMa?

ArtMoMa is a project that immediately caught my attention because it completely reflects my interests. The possibility of working on such an ambitious project with leading people really stimulates me because I am convinced that it will allow me to grow and improve considerably as a scientist, acquiring new skills that will help me in my academic future.

What are your expectations of living and working in your host city?

Moving to a new city in another state will certainly be an important experience that will make me grow considerably from a human point of view. Learning new habits and customs, adapting to different routines, and ways of behaving; I think it will be a stimulating and not easy challenge.

What do you think will be your main challenge for you in the next three years?

The biggest challenges in the next few years will be two: from the human point of view it will be to integrate into Strasbourg, to find friends and become familiar with the city, in other words, to feel at home as I was in Padova; from the scientific point of view, it will be to develop as soon as possible all the necessary skills to achieve the objectives set and to learn the most from the scientists I will meet.