Welcome to UNISTRA, María Jesús !

María Jesús Aguilera will be joining the Institute of Supramolecular Science and Engineering (ISIS) at the University of Strasbourg in September 2020 as an Early Stage Researcher. In the framework of the ArtMoMa network, María Jesús will spend 3 years working on Motional and constitutional molecular dynamics in self-healing polymer materials and will be experiencing international secondments, networking events, conferences, and much more. She tells us now what she expects from her research work in Strasbourg:

Tell us more about your background!

I am from Rute, a little village in Cordoba, Spain. Although, I have studied a Chemistry degree at the University of Malaga. In my third year of degree, I enjoyed an Erasmus Stay in Brno, Czech Republic. This last academic year, I have performed a master’s degree in Organic Chemistry in the University Autonomous of Madrid. I am delighted to have carried out all these experiences with 22 years old because I have learned to strive and manage my time.

Why did you want to be a part of ArtMoMa?

I want to be part of ArtMoMa because I really think that Supramolecular Chemistry is the future to understand the knowledge that cannot be explained with microscopic laws. I totally agree that scientists should consider all interactions around molecules to realize what is happening inside. I will be glad to study the operation of artificial molecular machines and I hope to be able to develop useful molecular motors. Apart from wanting to gain experience in this field, I am looking forward to working in an international environment and to share ideas with all the participants of the project.

What are your expectations of living and working in your host city?

I have high expectations with the city because I have been noticed that Strasbourg is an international city and I would like to take my English and French to the next level. I would like to know new people and to be in a welcoming environment. I consider myself a very sociable person and I will be pleased to make friends both on and off the project. I hope that the city will be safe and comfortable to live in and to travel. To sum up, I hope that the city and the experience will improve all my professional and personal skills

What do you think will be your main challenge for you in the next three years?

I think that being able to communicate your ideas in a professional way and to become an independent scientist could be the most challenging. Although, I am totally willing to do my best and to learn as much as possible to achieve it.